Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I Hear Voices

Early this morning I found out that my smoke detector talks. Yep, you heard what I said, it talks.

At about 4:45am as I was waking up I swore I heard a loud beep followed by what sounded like a police radio. I wasn't sure if it was a dream, so I went downstairs to get ready for my 5am conference call. Then I heard it again. No dream this time... but I was completely stumped. What the f--- is making that noise and talking? I eliminated the possibility that there was a police officer hiding in my closets and frankly was befuddled.

I decided to check the smoke detectors to see if any of them had a red or blinking light or something, but they were all green and smiling. I had no idea how the voice worked into this scenario, but one thing at a time.

As I stood in the upstairs hallway scratching my head (well, scratching... let's just go with head) the smoke detector above me proceeds to make the loud beep and then say in its best walkie talkie voice "Low battery". Great, mystery solved.

But really, when did they start making talking smoke detectors? The answer is 2009 apparently. File that in the category of "news to me". The house is about two years old in case you're wondering how I didn't know already. That would've been a really good thing for the builder to cover during the walk-through.

If any of the electronic fates are listening, next time something completely unexpected starts talking to me, like the toaster oven, can you please make it happen in the afternoon?

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