Monday, September 24, 2012

Thoughts on the New Orleans Saints

Week 3 of the 2012 NFL season is complete and the New Orleans Saints have yet to win a game.  The games were all pretty close, but as you know close is meaningless.

Because of the bounty scandal, their head coach Sean Payton was suspended for the entire season.  Other coaches and even their GM were suspended for part of the season.  Some players were suspended, though those suspensions have been put on hold, at least temporarily.  The team lost their second round draft picks in 2012 and 2013.

The team and fans felt that the punishment far exceeded the crime.  They adopted an "us against the world" mentality.  Unfortunately, the world seems to be winning, at least for now.

Given the perfect clarity that three games can deliver, I have the following observations:
  1. Sean Payton is a genius.  Obviously he is the reason why the Saints have performed so well over the past several years.  Seriously, what team loses their head coach and immediately falls from the top echelon of the league to the basement?  You'd expect a team to fall if their star quarterback could not play.  Look at Peyton Manning and the Colts.  Without him they had nothing.

  2. Sean Payton is an idiot.  He was suspended because he lied and tried to cover up evidence that a bounty program existed.  He didn't get punished for the "crime" itself.  Ask Martha Stewart and numerous others - getting caught lying gets you in more trouble than if you had been truthful up front.

  3. Sean Payton is a genius.  People believed he was an exceptional coach, but without being suspended no one would understand how the entire team's success depended on him.  Because of his forced absence, that point becomes abundantly clear.  Upon return, his salary should be doubled or tripled.  Without him, the team is directionless.
  1. The Saints defense is like a Play-Doh extruder.  You know the things where you put in the Play-Doh, press down, and it comes out the other end in shapes and patterns?  That's the Saints defense.  They're not stopping anything.  Put in the doh, press lightly, and out the other end comes big plays, touchdowns, and field goals.  It's just that easy.

  2. Gregg Willams used old Play-Doh.  Think what you want about former Saints defensive coordinator Gregg Williams and his style of coaching and personal ethics, but one thing is sure:  He knew how to harden up the Play-Doh.  The defense was still an extruder, but it was much harder to get that doh out the other end.  Steve Spagnuolo, the new Saints defensive coordinator, brought all new Play-Doh.  Teams squeeze it out the other end with very little effort.

  3. Drew Brees was fortunate.  Brees received a new 5-year $100M contract before the season.  He is a great quarterback, but as we find out now he's not the reason why the Saints were so successful - it was all Sean Payton.  If Brees' contract were up after this season then I'm sure he'd get a whole lot less.  After all, Chase Daniels could have delivered an 0-3 start for next to nothing.  Brees should kick a little cash over to Payton, heck, a lot of cash.

  4. The Saints found a way to stick it to Goodell.  As part of their bounty sanctions, the Saints will lose their second round pick in 2013.  The Saints' record will be so poor this year that they'll get the first draft pick in 2013.  Since Goodell didn't take away their first round pick in 2013, this is the best way the Saints could say "in your face".

It's all so obvious, isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. The Saints get their first win in week 5. Drew Brees broke the record for most consecutive games with a touchdown pass. Sean Payton was allowed to attend the game to witness the record.

    So that adds more to the legend of Sean Payton. He doesn't even need to coach the team. His mere presence is all they need to win. Perhaps the Saints can bottle up his essence, clothes, or something and bring it to the stadium on game days.
