Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What Matters

What Matters

Wading in the surf
Ignoring the waves
For they matter not

Waves come and waves go
Not worthy of names
For they matter not

'Til that rare moment
Taken by surprise
A wave that matters

Knocking you over
Upset but laughing
A wave that matters

Strolling home smiling
Ignoring the waves
For they matter not

This may seem out of place.  Out of character.  He has lost his mind.  Stick to the inane, drivel-boy.  But I see it differently.

It seems out of place because I do not have a place to post things such as this, so I chose to post it here.  My character likes to explore varied areas to gain new experience, although it doesn't happen as often as I would like.  One can argue that I lost my mind quite a long time ago, and one may or may not win that argument.  And as for the inane drivel, well, that comes exceedingly naturally and takes many different forms.

This is my useless poetry drivel.  Something that formed in my mind while sitting in an airport waiting for a flight, sitting on a plane waiting to take off, flying the red-eye exhausted but not able to sleep.  Something that starts as a single idea, a single emotion, and then takes on a life of its own in my mind.

I will never be a Yeats or a Keats.  Instead of Ode to a Grecian Urn, I am much more likely to create Ode to Grecian Formula.

The poem is meaningful to me, inspired by life events.  Yet, in the grand scheme, I still classify it as useless poetry drivel.  But it is my useless poetry drivel, and that is what matters to me.